Dharamsala, India
July - August 2024

thirty one on thirty first last month
the only time this life to turn 31 on 31
funny sad and tasty just like life
wild apricot kernel crying eyes
tears rolling down on oily face
thirsty i drink and always keep with me
wear as ornaments in drops of dew clouds and feelings
life jumps at me from all bushes in all directions
life this life that desire here desire there
try to go between floating around
balancing on razor’s blades
i think i handle it all but not really or not at all
but i try and keep an open heart with pits of joy
and i am so very grateful for all
friends strangers enemies all mirrors for my mind
for all lovers who know and don’t know that are lovers
who have true love and compassion
and caring minds

thank you for listening to my infinite nonsense blabla
cooking writing letters reading dreams
peeling pistachios loving goats gardening thoughts
living wars and leaving your own wars with all illusions
understanding what’s like to be a human being
touching deeply every aspect of existence  
and are who you are and unafraid
not fearing facing  
willing to expose naked flesh, bone, and marrow
and again have true love and compassion
for me and you in here and there, for this and that
and hold me so so truly gentle like a feather
please continue because it's so helpful
please live many thirty ones long and happy
and stay close to me
all my love
in all directions

© raya iubinescu